What is The African Film Festival - TAFF?
The African Film Festival - TAFF is a platform for hardworking African independent filmmakers to showcase their films, with an opportunity for feedback by colleagues and industry professionals. TAFF will strive to create an avenue for equal distribution of African films on a global scale.
Why The African Film Festival, we already have African Film Festivals?
TAFF is one of its kind, created to screen only African independent films. This will be the premiere platform for many African films that otherwise be overlooked by the ‘broader' film festivals. Lovers of African independent films would appreciate a platform created solely for them, we would invite other film industries in, without competition to appreciate the artistry and ingenuity that can only come from the making of an African film. This platform also creates a marketing avenue and greater exposure for these films, allowing them to properly compete with other well known film industries. These films will be made available to schools and public libraries beyond African shores to further the studies of African history and culture.
What type of films qualify for TAFF?
Films about Africa and the diaspora. Please see our Selection Criteria. Films made after June 1st of the year prior to submission are eligible.
When and where does the festival take place?
The festival is an annual event, to take place in July 1-3 2016 in Dallas, Texas USA.
I am a filmmaker and I don’t reside in the city of Dallas. Can I submit my film to TAFF?
Films about Africa and the diaspora are accepted from around the world. Please see our Selection Criteria.
When and how can I submit my film(s)?
Film submissions begin November 1st. Filmmakers can submit their films through FilmFreeway. Please see our submission rules before submitting. Alternatively, you can mail copies of your film in the accepted media formats by submission deadlines to:Festival Director
The African Film Festival (TAFF)
# 701632
Dallas, Texas 75370 USA
What are the submission deadlines and fees?
Earlybird Deadline: (November 1st - November 30th) – $55 USDRegular Deadline: (December 1st - March 31st) – $65 USD
Late Deadline: (April 1st - April 10th) – $75 USD
Submissions are from November 1st to April 10th. All submissions must be in our office by posted deadlines. For example if you plan to submit your film to meet the Earlybird deadline, our office must receive your film before November 30th. After November 30th your films will now be considered in the Regular deadline and appropriate fees will apply. Appropriate fees must be submitted along with all films to be eligible for screening. We encourage you to plan ahead, especially if you will be mailing your submissions.
How many films can I submit?
As many as you like! Please note however that there is no discounted rate for submitting more than one film. Each film must have a separate medium. All films you submit must bear only your name. Mediums with more than one film will not qualify for screening. Attempts to submit multiple films under different aliases are disqualified from screening. It helps to indicate the award category you would like to be considered for each film.
Can I submit my film if it has already aired on television?
No. However you can submit your films even if you have already screened them at other festivals.
How do you determine a short film?
To be a short film, you should be able to tell a story (fiction or non-fiction) in under 20 minutes, including all rolling credits.
What is a feature length film?
Fiction or non-fiction films that are between 60-90 minutes long, to include all rolling credits.
What is a Narrative?
Fictional story telling.
What is a documentary?
Non-fictional story telling.
If my film include a non-English dialogue, do you require a copy with English subtitles?
Do I need to register in order to submit my film(s)?
Yes. We recommend that you register your work on this website if you want feeedback from judges and ratings.
How are qualifying films selected?
A panel of judges made up of industry professionals will review each submitted film to determine eligibility and merit. Qualifying films will be selected after review. The Festival will enter 12 of the best films into a competition and will award selected films based on fifteen (15) categories. For more information, visit the Festival Facts.
What media formats do you accept?
DVD (Region 1 or 0)
High Resolution electronic formats are acceptable
I submitted my film(s), how will I know if my film(s) are selected?
You will be notified via email by May 1st.
Will you notify me if you receive my film(s)?
This would be possible for films submitted electronically or if you registered your film from this website.
I am an African filmmaker with a movie that is more than one year old, can I submit my film for consideration?
Films made after June 1st of year prior to submission are eligible to be submitted for the festival.
Can I submit my film for TAFF if I already submitted it elsewhere?
Is there an age limit?
We encourage filmmakers of ALL AGES to submit their film(s) for the festival. All persons under the age of 18 must obtain an expressed written consent from a parent of guardian before submitting.
What if my information changes after my film submission?
Notify us immediately! You can use the Contact form or email us at info@theafricanfimfestival.org.
I submitted my film by the posted deadline and your office didn’t receive it, what now?
It is imperative that you ensure the security of media sent to our office to ensure its safe arrival and receipt. We encourage you to submit your films electronically to avoid any delay or uncertainty. You will receive immediate confirmation of your successful submission.
What if you are unable to get my film(s) to play?
We will make every effort to contact you for another copy. We will make every effort to contact you in the event that we receive broken media. However, there are no guarantees, we will give consideration to those who submitted working copies of their media. In other to successfully submit your films, all working copies must arrive at our office and ready for review by our submission deadlines. It is imperative you ensure that your media arrive safe, in good working condition and on time.
Can you return my media once you are done with it?
All submitted media becomes property of The African Film Festival. All media will be safely stored in our archives. By submitting, you agree by release the use of your media to further the purposes of The African Film Festival. Your media will be secure and will not be released to any third party without your expressed written consent.